
Have a question, comment or suggestion? Want to share your family history with me? I'd love to hear from you. You can email me at the address below, or leave a comment in the box. 

My email:    zlnielsen@yahoo.com

I have an extensive (and growing!) family tree 
in Ancestry.com. You don't have to be an Ancestry member to view it, just email me asking about it and I'll send you an invitation to view it. Be sure and include the email address where you want it sent.

I grew up in Atwater, California, in the San Joaquin Valley, but I've been living in the Pacific Northwest for over 25 years. I have been interested in the Bennight Family history for as long as I can remember.

My Bennights

1st generation Loraine Bennight (Rick Nielsen)

2nd generation Raymond E. Bennight (Zina P. Rowley)

3rd generation Joseph E. Bennight (Maryann Evelyn Cox)

4th generation William Miller Bennight (Mary Melvina Tyree)

5th generation William Bennight (Sarah)

If you’re reading this blog, I'm guessing you’re related to the Bennights somehow. If you want to send me your information, I’ll post it here if you like. Maybe those of us monitoring this blog will find some family connections we didn’t know about (hoping that’s a good thing!).


  1. I'm not a Bennight, I'm afraid, but I was just researching my grandfather's stock certificate from 1923. It is number 59 and signed by J E Bennight. The company is given as the Morton Coal and Coke Company of Morton, WA. The whole offering was $250,000. A ton of money in those days!

    Ruth in Seattle

    1. Hi Ruth, Thanks for writing. I would love to see a picture of that if you have one, or maybe you could scan it into your computer and email it to me? I bet it's really cool looking. My family has been trying to get information about that mine and we even tried to visit the area, but it was all fenced off, private property of some company I can't remember the name of now. So fun to hear from you!
