Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Obituary, Tandy Kidd Cox

Hello, Here is my great-grandfather's obituary. I guess whoever transcribed it had some difficulty reading the full name, but one can see from reading it that it was Tandy because of the family members mentioned. Note that his marriage date was incorrect (should be Dec 25, 1887).

From a newspaper clipping, no date:

Mr. T. K. Cox, one of the best known and highly respected citizens of Chant died at his home in North Chant at 3 o'clock Nov. 17th.

Mr. Cox had been in ill health for some time and his death was not unexpected though very much regretted by his friends and neighbors whose numbers were limited only by his acquaintances.  Mr. Cox was born in Grandby, Missouri, May 19, 1857 and was therefore 51 years old the 19th of last May.  The principal part of his life was spent at Vesta, Ark.  He was married to Miss Lizzie McCormick on Christmas Day, 1897, at Vesta,  Miss McCormick being at that time postmistress of Vesta.

The family moved to Chant about the time the establishment of the Chant Post Office and Mrs. Cox was the first postmistress and in fact it was through her instrumentality that Chant was given a post office.  Mr. Cox was sworn in as assistant postmaster and it was during his service in this capacity that he contracted a severe cold that soon developed into lung trouble, which finally proved fatal.

Besides his host of friendships, he leaves his wife and two daughters, Misses Molly and Myrtle, to mourn his departure.  The funeral was held from the residence at 1:30 p.m., Reverand White assisted by Reverand Teeters having charge of the services.  At the grade, Reverand Teeters concluded the service.  The local undertakers, Moody and Craig, had charge of the funeral, which was the largest ever seen in Chant.      A. FRIEND

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